Angels In The Sky
    On a beautiful summer evening in Bayfield, Ontario, the sky on Lake Huron was incredible. The setting sun set power to the horizon as the sun's reflection shimmered to the shoreline. My daughter, Mandy Bishop, took a photograph of this event for me in late August of 2001. I had to paint it because I saw angels in the sky. Angels were watching over my daughter who was away working at Camp Glenhuron.
As I painted, I felt the angels' presence. They were telling me that they are always near by, sent by God just for you and I. What a wonderful sight indeed. I believe in angels. They walk with us and even talk to us and we may never even know how close our guardian angel came to us today. God's love is like the sun's reflection and comes to us no matter where we are. Psalms 34:7 says: "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about those who fear Him, and delivereth them." Just open your heart and receive God's love today.

By Robert Bishop

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